Note: Horses may not overlap.
This puzzle is based on Sam Loyd’s ‘Saddle the Horse’ puzzle of 1871. His version, however, was likely derived from the ‘Dead Dogs Puzzle’ which appeared in an 1849 book The Family Friend.
Interestingly, when P.T. Barnum came across Loyd’s puzzle, he supposedly bought it for $10,000 (a lot of money back then!) and handed it out to the millions of people who visited his circus- making it one of the most popular puzzles of all time.
It's the Game:
The goal of this puzzle game is to position the riders so that it looks like each of them is riding a horse.
Note: Horses may not overlap.
Wanna know the answer...??Thanks for reading, Have a nice day :)!!! Suscribe my post
good post bro...
BalasHapussenang jawapannya hehe bayar utangnya. selamat menyambut hari bapa sedunia.
BalasHapushah susah . . .
BalasHapusitu kakinya pada malang-malang sih . . .
komen balik plis
ga ngerti sob!! :D
BalasHapuspokoke pasang2ngin antara joki dengan kudanya, tapi tidak kedua kuda ga boleh saling berhimpitan..hayo sapa bisa??
BalasHapusmau absen ah....apa kata temen2 aku setuju...:)
BalasHapuskgak ngerti nie sob
wah... jan angel tenan ki jebule...
BalasHapuskayaknya yang buat teka teki itu kagak pada tidur 1,5 thn tuk mikirin jawabannya.. hehehehe
BalasHapusthx for visiting
BalasHapusWah membingungkan itu.... Dan jadinya malah tambah mumet..! hehehe, visit my web. thank you!!
BalasHapusim fool :)
BalasHapushehe bingung.
BalasHapussukses sahabat..
BalasHapussukses selalu
BalasHapusgak ngerti soalnya,,,terus rider kuda gak bisa dipisah,,,curang neh bikin soalya,,,
BalasHapuswah jadi pening ne
BalasHapusgak pernah maen puzzle
hihihi binun aku
BalasHapushehehe ditunggu postingannya lg sob...
BalasHapuskeliling nyari tepat cuap2 mas ini (shoutmix) kok kagak ada gtu, hehehe
BalasHapusasli...asli..asli bingung maksudnya..hehe
BalasHapusok, you are the winner.
BalasHapusgud luck
BalasHapusapaan tuch....???
BalasHapusdid anyone figure it out