I first reached the minimum amount of $100 in Google Adsense

Dari dalam negeri sendiri ada ga yang bener2 sukses dengan ads adsense..tapi ga pake bohong ya..hehe. This is the story from abroad:
I first reached the minimum amount of $100 in Google Adsense last month, May 19, 2009. It took me a year to reach that amount but I was so happy to have earned $100 in Google Adsense in just two weeks and one day actually! Wow! This is already an achievement for me.
I never thought that I coould earn this much, I hope I could maintain this every month or higher than this (crossing fingers, lol). Here’s a screenshot of my Google Adsense earnings.

11 komentar:

  1. Semangat ...!! Gantian kita2

  2. mampir neh sob... thank jg dah mampir.. saLam sukses...

  3. berkunjung ngasih $ berharap di bales $$

  4. ngak usah cerita aja dong, bagi tau caranya sama2 kongsi dengan rakan bloger semua

  5. Met malam sob..makasih udah berkunjung..artikelnya keren ya..

  6. beautiful weekend :)

  7. thanks dah berkunjung..
    coment balik yah..
    bwt silaturahmi

  8. Anonim4:54 AM

    gud day bro. nice blog.
