Intelligence testing began in earnest in France, when in 1904 psychologist Alfred Binet was commissioned by the French government to find a method to differentiate between children who were intellectually normal and those who were inferior.
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waduh.. sibos bikin ogut puyeng ikutan test.. But it's verry good test.. jangan lupa bos.. scorenya diuangkan.. hehehehe... peace..!!
BalasHapusaduh soryy atuh..saya mah ga bermaksud bikin pusing..tapi saya sendiri juag super pusing..hiks
BalasHapusMakasih udah Berkunjung.
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Terima kasih...
Betul bos.. ShoutBox lebih bagus disediakan biar ga bolalik-bolalik.
BalasHapusoh ya sorry cboxnya baru aku pasang tapi di halaman depan aja..gpp kan?mohon masukannya
BalasHapusMantap kawan, cuma ikuti saran di atas, biar cepat gitu lho!!!
BalasHapusDropping by with a smile and a wish for you:)