Internet Marketing Tools Info

From - We Build Pages is happy to offer this assortment of tools from our collection for free. While these are only a small sampling of the tools we have created, the rest of those trade secrets belong to the Internet Marketing Ninjas. If you are interested in becoming an Internet marketing ninja or any of the other (We Build Pages Services) we are happy to speak with you. In the mean time enjoy these tools we hope they will be of assistance.
  1. Header Checker Tool
    This tool will check any web page's header tags. Use our header checker to find any page's status code to ensure that your URLs are returning the appropriate status codes and re-directs are working properly. A surprising number of indexing and ranking problems come from erroneous re-directs, so it's crucial to be sure all of the HTTP status codes are correct.
  2. Search Combination Tool
    This tool will generate all possible combinations of two separate lists of search phrases. Find new ways to promote your website and reach your audience, when you broaden your keyword horizons. Use these phrases to modify and create new content, as well as to optimize title tags, URL's and internal linking structure. For a new insight into your keyword prospects generate some new combinations to kick start the brainstorming process.
  3. Keyword Density Analysis Tool
    Enter in a page URL and this tool will tell you the keyword density of all the phrases on the page. Find out how strong of a keyword message your content is sending with the Keyword Density Analysis Tool. Get hard numbers on your content ratios to find out if you need more or have too much. Use this tool to ensure a solid balance of keywords within your content, and to match the right keywords to the right pages.
  4. Spider Viewer
    See your site how the spider sees it. This one stop glimpse of your site's most basic information can give you insight into minor adjustments which can have a major impact. Use this tool to evaluate your internal links, meta information and page content. By using precision in regards to these elements you can structure your site to reach its maximum potential.

More Tools

Our tools can be immensely helpful if you know what you're looking for and how to apply the information they return. If you like these tools, be sure to check out our Internet Marketing Strategy Report, which can give you even more insight into improving your on-site optimization. If you need assistance with finding the best ways to apply these results on your site, upgrade to include Professional SEO analysis of the results. We also offer a wide variety of specialized reports which provide an even deeper analysis of various aspects of your website, or an intense view of your site as a whole. All of our reports come with actionable recommendations, immediate changes, and best practice advice for establishing future development standards.

Our tools can be immensely helpful if you know what you're looking for and how to apply the information they return if you are in need of a professional eye.

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